BLE-Shield v1.0.0 Revision B Eagle- and Firmwarefiles v1.0.1 available at GitHub

Hello everyone, for another production run of BLE-Shields I adjusted some via distances on the PCB demanded by the assembler Seeedstudio. The resulting revision B PCB is already uploaded to my github account which can be accessed through the following link: The firmware v1.0.1 for the revision B board is similar to the revision A one including the adjusted hardware info characteristic to reflect the updated revision. So stay tuned for an slightly adjusted BLE-Shield v1.

Hardwaretools for future Board Developments

Hello everyone, after I created some prototypes for instance the BLEtherm, I decided to make a much smaller version of it, but I need to tools in order to accomplish that. What do I mean with tools? Well for instance smaller programming headers to burn an Arduino bootloader, a smaller version of the FTDI header and of course a smaller programming header for programming a BLE112 or BLE113 modules firmware.

First look at Bluegiga's Development Kit DKBLE113

Hello everyone, last wednesday I received the DKBLE113 Development Kit from Bluegiga. Today it is time to write an initial article about what is see what’s in the box and compare it with the DKBLE112 I’m already using to develop my hardwares based on BLE technology. On first sight I can say the box is much bigger 🙂 The contents of the box is as follows: Of course the most important part: BLE113 Development Board Quickstart and EULA Documentation and an Import Notice another CC-Debugger a mini USB Cable (for the CC-Debugger) a micro USB Cable (for the BLE113 Development Board) one BLED112 USB Dongle two BLE113 Modules one CR2032 Battery The detailed photo below shows the development board as good as I can show it to you guys using an iPhone camera:

BLEtherm - An Arduino based Bluetooth Low Energy thermometer

Hello everyone, I was dealing with small embedded systems acting as weather stations for a long time now. I created a simple setup using a Sensirion SHT15 connected to an Arduino board which was posting temperature and humidity values using a Wifi shields some years ago. A great project which has replaced my DIY solution based on Arduino was the Netatmo weather station I bought some months ago. I really like it.

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Hello everyone, maybe you are familiar with IT-Croud and where the title for this blog post came from. It is some kind of an opener for a little story about a hardware I’m developing with a friend of mine in Zurich. A long time ago I started to play around with Bluetooth Low Energy and I ordered the BLE112 Devkit provided by BlueGiga. The first thing I did was to set a GPIO pin high and low in order to turn LEDs on and off.

Embedded World 2013

Hello everyone, since I was visiting Embedded World 2013 his year I just wanted to summarize a little bit what I companies I visited and what looks interesting to me. Moreover I grabbed some development tools from different manufacturers to play around with. My main goal visiting Embedded World 2013 was to look around for Bluetooth Low Energy solutions and of course meet the support BlueGiga guys to talk to them in person.

BLE-Shield goes NetDuino2

Hello everyone, as promised I tested the BLE-Shield with NetDuino2. As expected the Shields worked without any big problems on this platform as well. I spent about an hour with @tamberg to get my initial code cleaned up and he and Etan Kissling showed my how clean C# code as to look like 🙂 Finally I added an additional folder called “netmf” to my BLE-Shield github repository where you can now find a complete Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express project which has been tested with a NetDuino2 board running .

Arduino BLE Shield Kickstarter Project finally ended!

Hello everyone, I’m happy to announce that the BLE-Shield Kickstarter was finished with the shipment of the second batch. We have posted the final update on Kickstarter which you can read here: Again I wanted to thank all backers who made this project possible. See you on the next project maybe, Michael.

BLE-Shield based on Bluegiga's BLE112 Module now available

Hello everyone, the BLE-Shield v1.0.o is finally listed in Seeedstudios Bazaar: It will be in stock starting at monday february, 4th with a small stock. After the chinese new year we will do another production run of the BLE-Shields. Thanks for your interest in the BLE-Shield, Michael.

BLE-Shield iPhone App Sources available on github

Hello everyone, since I promised an iPhone Sample Application to access the Kickstarter BLE-Shield, I finished the app today and pushed it to the BLE-Shield github repository: The user interface is implemented similar to the Messages application of iOS. Yes, correct… you can chat with your BLE-Shield somehow and it’ll answer 😉 I will add some more UI features in the future and make some bug fixes if necessary.