Bluetooth Low Energy

BLE-Shield goes NetDuino2

Hello everyone, as promised I tested the BLE-Shield with NetDuino2. As expected the Shields worked without any big problems on this platform as well. I spent about an hour with @tamberg to get my initial code cleaned up and he and Etan Kissling showed my how clean C# code as to look like 🙂 Finally I added an additional folder called “netmf” to my BLE-Shield github repository where you can now find a complete Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express project which has been tested with a NetDuino2 board running .

Arduino BLE Shield Kickstarter Project finally ended!

Hello everyone, I’m happy to announce that the BLE-Shield Kickstarter was finished with the shipment of the second batch. We have posted the final update on Kickstarter which you can read here: Again I wanted to thank all backers who made this project possible. See you on the next project maybe, Michael.

BLE-Shield based on Bluegiga's BLE112 Module now available

Hello everyone, the BLE-Shield v1.0.o is finally listed in Seeedstudios Bazaar: It will be in stock starting at monday february, 4th with a small stock. After the chinese new year we will do another production run of the BLE-Shields. Thanks for your interest in the BLE-Shield, Michael.

BLE-Shield iPhone App Sources available on github

Hello everyone, since I promised an iPhone Sample Application to access the Kickstarter BLE-Shield, I finished the app today and pushed it to the BLE-Shield github repository: The user interface is implemented similar to the Messages application of iOS. Yes, correct
 you can chat with your BLE-Shield somehow and it’ll answer 😉 I will add some more UI features in the future and make some bug fixes if necessary.

New Arduino BLE-Shield v1.0.0 Page added

Hello everyone, today I added a new page “Arduino BLE-Shield v1.0.0” to the “Bluetooth Hardware” section of my blog. The old page, covering the pre v1.0.0 prototype version of the Shield is still available, but since the first Kickstarter BLE-Shields has been shipped already, please refer to the new page for details, tips and tricks and compatible/tested Arduino Boards. Thank you very much, Michael.

BLEbee github repository is now available

Hello everyone, I created a repository at: where I already added WIP version of the BLEbee firmware and eagle designed files to. The firmware was developed using Bluegiga’s Bluetooth Smart SDK v1.0.3 and the eagle design files are created using Eagle 5.11.0. Please let me know any feature requests or general questions concerning the BLEbee in it’s dedicated forum at: Thanks, Michael.

BLE-Shield github repository is now available

The BLE-Shield files are now available at I created a repository at: where I already added the latest BLE-Shield v1.0.0 firmware and eagle designed files to. The firmware was developed using Bluegiga’s Bluetooth Smart SDK v1.0.3 and the eagle design files are created using Eagle 5.11.0. All further updates to the BLE-Shield firmware and design files will be available through this repository. The iOS application which is part of the BLE-Shield Kickstarter Project reward will be available in this repository as well.

I've got a little more to show you...

No, no it’s not the iPad-Mini. After I created the BLE-Shield in Arduino Shield form factor, I shrinked the BLE-Shield to an XBEE size form factor and added even a little more functionality. The idea behind it was quite simple. Now that I developed the BLE-Shield, why not shrink it to an XBEE form factor, name it BLEbee and use it with an Arduino FIO or the Arduino Wireless Shield, where an XBEE module can be used.

BLE Shield v1.0.0 PCB design finished

Hi, since I started the Kickstarter project, is now already funded and there are still 13 days to go, I started to work on the final PCB design and the final firmware as well. The v1.0.0 is already available in a Kickstarter Project update, but not yet on my blog. So I will change this now and add this to the blog as well. I’ll post the schematic and the updated boardfiles as soon as I soldered an additional engineering sample of this board to prove that there are now last minute bugs added while changing the board slightly.

BLE112-A Breakout Board v0.5.0

Hello BLE112 hardware developers, to make hardware development a little easier, I simply created a BLE112-A Breakout board for you that can be used on a breadboard. I added three 100nF block capacitors and the programming header for the CC-Debugger to the breakout board. I’m open for suggestions, since the board is in version 0.5.0. The eagle design files and the PDFs of the schematic and board files can be found in the “BLE Other Files” box on the blog’s main page.