eInk Connector Shield

Hello everyone,

a few weeks ago I found a 2.7 Inch e-Paper Display provided by Embedded Artists: http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/displays/lcd_27_epaper.php. It supports Arduino and is cheap EUR29 compared to other solutions in that size available in the web.

When I hook i up to an Arduino UNO R3 it looks like this, which is described in their document “Embedded Artists 2.7 inch E-paper Display & Arduino UNO”:

I don’t really like these kind of setups. Well they are good for prototyping, but to build a nice setup e.g. to run this together with me BLE-Shield it is not movable and more or less a little fragile. The idea I came across with is a small shield, of course.

There is not much on it, but using this little Shield the display can be attached easily and even with the smaller cable provided by embedded artists. The shape is that crippled, since it fits on top of the Yun as well, even though the Arduino Sketch does not yet work on the Yun or Leonardo.

Please let me know if you are interested in making a real product out of it and even attach something useful on the empty space. Maybe SPI flash or an SD-Card connector

